Thursday, January 20, 2005

So that's what mobblogging is all about!

Tze wrote to the Yahoo group:
'Moblog, to me, is mobile blog. One way to access it is through ourcell phone via the WAP (wireless application protocol). One greatadvantage of moblog is it enables learning in non-places - idealsplaces to learn. Non-places are in the bus, subway, train, and maybehotel where you have no escape. Since most people have short attentionspan, a 5 - 10 min chunk of information is ideal to be delivered via acell phone. In the ppt slide, there is also some mention about thepopularity of mobile learning in Japan, mainly because of the smallamount of info it delivers at a time.'

Non-places sounds a little negative to me, but the idea of getting out of the classroom is exactly what I am looking for. Until I saw Tze's blog I had it firmly fixed in my mind that mobblogging is about pictures but of course it can be about anything, text, pictures audio and even video.


Bee said...

Moblogging must be a nice alternative to use during field trips or when you are with a class on an outing, a visit to a museum.
It gives you this dimension of blogging live with people viewing the same event from different angles.

Jane Petring would have
loved to moblog during her bike excursion with her students.

Anne said...

Bee, you are such a mine of information. The cycling blog is definitely one for me to squirrel away for later.